Wednesday, September 18, 2013

International City Worker Silver!

Here is the third in our trilogy of city worker accidental art. This is the leg of a recently "repaired" bus shelter Uptown on Hennepin and Lake. The attention to detail here is amazing. I suspect that the metal was rusty before being spray painted silver. Who could guess? Seamless right?
However, the effect here, while maybe not the most convincing, is stunning. A completely monochromatic textured glowing silver. Let's imagine that this is the work of a humble worker who has chosen silver as his (or her) signature color. Their version of International Klein Blue (maybe even mix the paint themselves for appropriate color). Their mission is to beautify Minneapolis.
It works for me here.
Maybe the best part of this scene if the silver dirt around the foot. Obviously no one bothered to sweep before spray painting. Or silver dirt was purposeful to make bus riders feel like futuristic space explorers? Metro transit had a great plan.
Is this Art? No. But I do find it beautiful and slightly unsettling... so it probably is art... 

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